Team Fitaddicted Retreat: You Hold the Key
I've been getting caught up in my head A LOT lately, feeling like I'm failing and falling short as a leader. This season of life is...

Workout Review: The Shift Shop
In life there are things we want that elude us the more we chase them... and I've learned that when that happens to me, it may be a sign...

Randa's Success Story
Although I don't have kids myself, I have noticed that among my friends and clients, the time right after becoming a parent for the first...

A New Chapter: The Surrogacy Journey Begins
Before I begin, a disclaimer: this is NOT our actual surrogate or our actual baby! We are nowhere near that far along in the process yet!...

Mary's Success Story
Mary and I have been working together for a year and a half now (these pictures are a year apart) and her story is the perfect example of...