An Exercise in Communication and Patience: Surrogacy Update
Surrogacy is a long process before you ever even get to the pregnancy part. This is one of the first things I learned upon embarking on...

A New Chapter: The Surrogacy Journey Begins
Before I begin, a disclaimer: this is NOT our actual surrogate or our actual baby! We are nowhere near that far along in the process yet!...

Our Fertility Journey: IVF Round 2 Recap
Let’s put the important part first: the outcome. We successfully completed our second round of IVF, and now we have a total of four...

Our Fertility Journey: IVF Round 1 Recap
As I've been posting on Facebook and Instagram tidbits from our experience with IVF, almost every day I've gotten messages from people...

Our Journey to IVF
It should have been so easy. That's what I always think as I prepare to tell anyone this story. For something so natural and seemingly so...