Success Story: Viktorija

When Viktorija posted the picture on the right, I knew I had to feature her success story. Doesn't she just radiate confidence and comfort in her own skin??
Viktorija is an old friend (wife of my brother from my host family from when I studied in Latvia... does that make her my host sister-in-law?) who first wrote to me two years ago, interested in starting an exercise program after seeing my posts on social media. She wanted to fit movement into her day, but was unsure of how she would fit it into her day with young children (ages 8 and 1 at the time).
She decided to try out the 10 Minute Trainer program, which is based on the premise of fitting in 10 minutes of activity 3 times throughout your day, for a total of 30 minutes.
As Viktorija began to experience the benefits of exercise, she started to crave even more. She noticed that working on core strength was helping with the back pain she had been experiencing from baby wearing (exacerbated by poor posture and carrying extra weight).
So she committed to the 21 Day Fix, with 30 minutes of exercise all at once (still relatively compact and efficient as workouts go). As part of this program, she began to learn about nutrition and change her way of eating to include more protein and vegetables, and choosing complex carbs that are digested more slowly than simple carbs such as white bread and pasta. She discovered a passion for trying new foods and meal prepping to always have healthy options handy for her family—a habit that comes in very handy now that she is working full-time again!
In the last two years, she has lost more than 20 pounds and also several clothing sizes. She has tried PiYo, along with other Beachbody workouts. In addition to the physical benefits, she says, "Working out has helped me with anxiety as well. I never knew how bad it was until I started working out then had to stop for awhile."
Viktorija has also chosen to pursue a nutrition certification, to deepen her knowledge further and allow her to help others experience the same vitality she has discovered through mindful eating and nutritious choices. "I used to view eating as an inconvenience," she says. "Now I carry snacks and I snack throughout the day. I know how my body is supposed to feel"—with reference to both movement and nutrition. "I know how to stretch out the knots in my back from sitting for too long at work, and I'm not afraid to stretch in public."
This type of empowerment is my ultimate goal as your coach! I love it when my clients have learned behaviors that become lifelong habits, and they no longer need a coach to instruct them or remind them (although they are welcome in my online community and monthly programs as long as they feel it is helpful for them).
Viktorija is still part of our groups, and contributes a lot of wisdom for people who are newer to the programs! I knew when I saw her looking so radiant in this photo she posted, that it was time to recognize just how much she has achieved with all of her hard work and dedication! We appreciate your contributions, and we are so proud of you... It makes my heart happy to see you looking and feeling so awesome!!
Interested in getting started on your own transformation? Check out upcoming program options or email me at the address below and let me know you are ready for some help and support!