Workout Review: Cize

I've always loved music and rhythm. I played percussion in the school band and have a very extensive music collection. Music has HUGE emotional pull for me... which is why it's always been frustrating for me to feel like I can't gracefully move to music.
I never took dance lessons as a kid—my parents couldn't really afford it, and I was SO jealous of my friends who did take dance and later were on the dance team. I always thought I'd missed out on the "critical period" for learning to dance, and I'd come to think of myself as a terrible dancer. (I had good reason. One year I was out with some friends for New Year's Eve, and one guy's pick-up line to me was, "You look like an angel, but you're a terrible dancer." As much as he evidently wanted to impress me, he just couldn't resist telling me this.) Seriously, I thought all hope was lost.
Then along came Cize. Now granted, we have to give ourselves ratings at the end of each session, and I have yet to check off "Ready for my music video." But when I videotaped my "before" videos of me trying the routines for the first time, I actually was shocked at how not-bad my dancing looked!
Shaun T does such a fantastic job of breaking down the steps... for example, teaching first the rhythm (with clapping), then the foot movements (and practice those a few times), then adding the arms. He just takes it piece by piece and makes it manageable. Plus, he picks actual popular songs such as "Chandelier" by Sia, "Problem" by Ariana Grande, and "Treasure" by Bruno Mars, so you're not just dancing to some random song you've never heard of.
Shaun T has a background as a professional dancer (he used to be a backup dancer for Mariah Carey), and he choreographed these routines himself. I love that he picked moves that really go with the music and the lyrics, which makes it more fun and easier to remember what comes next. And I just find his instructional style so fun. He often compares the moves to things we do in everyday life: putting socks on... driving a car... moving out of the way to avoid bumping into someone while walking... shrugging to deny responsibility to one's parents. Are you getting the idea yet that this program is just a lot of fun?
No equipment is needed for this program. I would recommend it for anyone who loves music. It is low-impact... some of the routines do have small jumps, but that's optional and can be modified easily. I would say this is a gentle way to get started with exercise for someone who doesn't like to work out... because it really doesn't feel like working out! This program is probably not the best fit for anyone with an extensive dance background, as it will probably move too slow for them. Sessions range in length between 30 and 50 minutes. This four-week program comes with six workouts, and the option to buy two more; Shaun T has also said he will add new routines to the Beachbody on Demand streaming service at some point.
So don't call MTV just yet... but do stay tuned for my "after" videos because I have a feeling I'll be proud to show them off!
Want to try out Cize for yourself? Get your kit here and join us for my September 2015 Dance Away the Pounds challenge group! Or email me (address in website footer) to chat more about the program. You can also try a free sample session through Beachbody on Demand, or watch this video review to learn more!