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Three Days of News: 80 Day Obsession Part 3

And now for the most exciting news of all... I have the opportunity to be part of the coach-only test group for the brand-new 80 Day Obsession program, working directly with the program's creator, Autumn Calabrese... and I have the opportunity to bring up to five new coaches from my team into the group along with me!!

Throughout my four years as a coach, it's been a huge goal of mine to one day be part of a test group. When I've seen my friends go through a test group, they get amazing results... why? Because they stick to the program as written, no exceptions! The knowledge that they may be featured in the program marketing materials, and that the company's assessment of whether the program works will be based on their results, provides a HUGE motivation for them to stay on track!

There is also definitely an aspect of camaraderie that provides extra motivation when you have a group doing the same program all at once, and experiencing it together for the first time. Each workout move, each recipe... it's all brand-new and comes as a surprise since nobody else has done the program yet!

In addition, as part of a test group you get exclusive access to the super trainer who created the program. She answers questions and listens carefully to the group's feedback so the company can edit the program materials for clarification or even sometimes reshoot part of a workout. How totally awesome to be part of a new program's creation, right?

For all of these reasons, I was beyond excited to get my invitation to the 80 Day Obsession test group yesterday!

I'll be choosing up to five brand-new coaches who join my team in December to bring into the test group along with me. This is an incredibly opportunity, whether you are looking to build a wellness business OR you just want the absolute best results and accountability for your own personal purposes!

Remember what I said about how being part of a test group makes people determined not to quit or let themselves fail... There's something about knowing it's not just for you, that you'll be letting down Autumn and the company if you fall off track and fail to finish the program or even fudge it too much with treats and not pushing yourself hard in your workouts. If you've struggled with motivation, this group will provide the ultimate accountability, and may just be the special push you need to finally establish consistency with your nutrition and workouts!

You're totally welcome to apply (and your application will be given equal consideration) even if you have no plans of building a business. Although your account would technically be a coach account, there are plenty of people on my team who are "coaches" in name only and are here primarily for the discount and the community! But if you do have some interest in earning an income through supporting others in a heathy lifestyle, once you enroll you'll have access to our team's new coach training site and all of the training and mentorship groups and options I offer, to allow you to dive into this business and start earning an income at your own pace, depending on the work you have time (and are willing) to put in. This business is honestly so much fun and so fulfilling... If you have any interest in pursuing it, I would strongly encourage you to give it a go!

Fill out an application here by December 23 to be considered for the coach-only test group with Autumn. This application will help me get to know you and how you would benefit from being part of the test group. Depending on the number of applications I receive, I will either contact you for more information, or notify you whether you have been accepted, by December 26.

Those who are accepted will receive an access link for the test group, and will also have access to my virtual support group where you can have access to me and others completing the program along with you, in a more intimate setting. This virtual support group starts on January 8 so we'll have time to get oriented before officially starting 80 Day Obsession on January 15!

See yesterday's post to learn about what kind of investment will be involved if you are selected. No, this isn't free—but you are worth the investment! And to be honest, having some skin in the game is a GOOD thing—we tend not to value things as much when they are free! Not only are you getting an INCREDIBLE value for your investment, but you can think of the amount invested as your insurance that you'll actually follow through and complete the program! Win-win, right?

I'll be looking out for your application! Fill it out here by December 23!

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