Elizabeth Gudrais, Wellness Coach
Are you ready to get obsessed?​
We tend to think of being obsessed as a bad thing—but we directed toward the right goal, an obsessive mentality can actually be a good thing! Bringing focus and determination to the task at hand helps us steer clear of potential distractions.
Coming in January 2018, a new program from Autumn Calabrese will put this philosophy into action. Autumn has designed a new fitness and nutrition program to tone our bodies (especially booty and abs) while using nutrition to help us lean out while eating a healthy, nutrient-dense diet. Autumn is asking us all to be come "a little obsessed" in pursuing these goals, as we embark on the new program, 80 Day Obsession.
This program uses resistance bands and strength slides to prove that we don't need heavy weights to tone, tighten, and build strength!
The program releases January 15 and continues for three months. Our virtual support group will start January 8 so we can get ready to hit the ground running!
There are several different package options and I want to make sure you get the one that's right for you, so I've broken them into three separate blog posts.
Existing Beachbody on Demand customers can read about your options here.
If you don't yet have Beachbody on Demand, read about your options here.
(If you're wanting to go ALL IN with your own journey and possibly even make a business out of supporting others in a healthy lifestyle, I have the unique opportunity to choose up to five people to bring with me into an exclusive test group with Autumn—read all about that here!)
One last option... If you're looking for a four-week "pre-program" to get you ready for 80 Day Obsession by helping you build a baseline of fitness and learn some nutrition basics, check that out here—starts December 18!
Watch the video below for more details, or email me (address in footer) with any questions you may have!