Elizabeth Gudrais, Wellness Coach

Holidays got you feeling tense?
The holiday season is supposed to be a joyful time... but in all honesty, at times I have found myself feeling a sense of dread, knowing so many delicious goodies would be set out in front of me, free for the taking, with friends and relatives urging me to partake.
Sometimes people urge us to have that extra cookie or glass of wine because they feel guilty about overindulging and they'll feel better knowing you're overdoing it right along with them. (I've been that friend... and I'm sorry.) Sometimes people just want to share an experience with you in the form of the cookies they baked or the delicious bottle of wine they picked out.
Hey, I'm not even advocating making it all the way through the holiday season without a single cookie or cocktail. I think we should all indulge from time to time, in moderation, and enjoy it to the fullest when we do!
What I am advocating is navigating the holiday season with purpose and intention. Choosing our splurges carefully, rather than just saying "screw it" and going nuts with food, then finding ourselves awash in regret. Staying on track with our workouts most days, instead of missing one day and just saying "forget it" until January.
These holiday groups are my favorite because the fast pace and stress of the season tends to bring us closer. Yes, I wish you many heartwarming moments of connection with loved ones this season...but we will be here for you to vent when you need it! And we'll share about traditions in our families and get to know one another that way.
When you enroll, you'll receive:
the fitness program of your choice on DVD (yours to keep forever) with streaming access for 30 days
a month's supply of Shakeology in the flavor of your choice
daily SUPPORT in our online group to keep you on track with your healthy habits... a group of people committed to seeing you succeed! When your friends and family are urging you to have some extra cookies, drink that extra glass of wine, go back for seconds, go ahead and skip your workout... you'll have us encouraging you to make good choices for your health. That doesn't mean you can't indulge at all! Just that you'll do it in moderation instead of throwing your health goals out the window.
tons of fun BONUSES that you can only get in my programs... daily info about nutrition and fitness, a stretching routine to help you alleviate stress, healthy holiday recipes. Plus we'll be getting to know one another in the group and developing some community spirit by sharing about traditions and rituals, as well as venting and supporting one another when things stress us out!
Program starts on November 2 and runs through January 3! Enroll by October 26.
Got questions? Ready to sign up? Fill out the form at left or email me at the address below!